EU-funded project HEROES kicks off in May 2021 –
The EU-funded project “Hybrid EneRgy stOragE Stations” (HEROES) has officially kicked off on 1st May 2021. 100% Funded under EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programm with €4,1 MN, HEROES aims at supporting the increased uptake of electric vehicles in Europe, thanks to the development and implementation of more efficient charging stations.
The EU-funded project “Hybrid EneRgy stOragE Stations” (HEROES) has officially kicked off on 1st May 2021.
100% Funded under EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programm with €4,1 MN, HEROES aims at supporting the increased uptake of electric vehicles in Europe, thanks to the development and implementation of more efficient charging stations.
The overall objective of the HEROES project is to develop and demonstrate an innovative Li-ion capacitor (LiCs) based hybrid high-power/energy stationary storage system for fast charging of electrical vehicles (17.5 min for a state of the art 93 kWh electrical vehicle) that can be connected to widespread LV grids, without the need to invest in improving the grid power.
“The HEREOES system will be a key enabler for the widespread need for fast charging of electrical vehicles, cost effective and without the need for a major investment in the grid. Given the huge increase in electrical vehicles and their expected importance towards a decarbonised transport system to reduce environmental emissions, the potential impact of the innovation is considerable.
The innovation will take advantage of storage technologies to be suitable for both high power and high energy applications in a way that could not be achieved cost effectively and with acceptable lifetime if the technologies were used independently.
The consortium covers the full value chain of energy storage from technology providers to system integrators and end-users, placing the consortium in an excellent position to develop scientific and technological breakthroughs in the field, as well as seeing market opportunities that arise from novel users” says Dr. Turi Kvame Lorentzen, project coordinator from Beyonder AS.
Given the travel restrictions currently in place in Europe, the kick-off took place on an online basis on 11 May, nevertheless setting the scene for a fruitful collaboration and outstanding results in the coming years.
The HEROES Consortium includes 10 different partners coming from Denmark, Belgium, Germany, Spain and Norway. Organisations include Universities, research centers, associations, technology providers and consultancies.
Contact person: Adrián Prol