ENSO obtains the first results of BIOCHARMB project, on research of biochar applications for wastewater treatment
ENSO is collaborating with three other Galician companies, Intacta Gestión Ambiental, Gestan Medioambiental and Valora Consultores to achieve the objective of the project, which is the development of an alternative way of using forest biomass to obtain a product with a high commercial value (biochar).
ENSO INNOVATION continues its work on the project “BIOCHARMB: Desarrollo de una planta de pirólisis de biomasa para el aprovechamiento del biochar en aplicaciones medioambientales (Development of a biomass pyrolysis plant for the use of biochar in environmental applications)”.
ENSO is collaborating with three other Galician companies, Intacta Gestión Ambiental, Gestan Medioambiental and Valora Consultores to achieve the objective of the project, which is the development of an alternative way of using forest biomass to obtain a product with a high commercial value (biochar).
During the last months ENSO has been developing, from eucalyptus chips, a biochar for the adsorption of heavy metals, nutrients and organic compounds in wastewater effluents. As part of the project, ENSO has also designed and built a water treatment pilot plant in which the full-scale behaviour of this biochar, which has so far shown encouraging behaviour on a laboratory scale, will soon be tested and validated. In addition to water treatment, ENSO has also tested in its laboratories a modified version of this biochar for the treatment of pollutants in gaseous streams.
Project funded by:
Project Supported by:
Co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the ERDF Operational Programme Galicia 2014-2020, Thematic Objective 1: “Promoting technological development, innovation and quality research.
This project is subsidized by the Axencia Galega de Innovación within the framework of the 2018 call of the Programa CONECTA PYME. It has been supported by the Ministry of Consellería de Economía, Empleo e Industria (Xunta de Galicia) and is co-financiated from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the framework of the ERDF Operational Programme Galicia 2014-2020, Thematic Objective 1: “Promoting technological development, innovation and quality research”.